The left’s go to talking point whenever they are advocating open borders and the abolishment of our sovereignty is that we are a nation of immigrants. It’s a stupid point. People virtually every country with the possible exceptions of Japan and China are nations of immigrants. Central and South America is not made up of Aztecs and Incas and Mayans. They were replaced by Spanish and Portuguese “immigrants”. So we should be able to just move into and take over all those countries. Ditto for Canada!

Virtually all of Europe is occupied by one tribe or another who conquered other tribes be it the Vandals or the Visigoths or the Tartars or the Anglo Saxons or the Vikings or the Mongols etc.

My point is very simple and straight forward. This nation of immigrants nonsense is just that — nonsense, and should be called out by conservative media for the canard that it is.

There is absolutely no reason to surrender our sovereignty because we, like virtually every other nation, are in the most ‘politically correct’ sense a nation of immigrants!