When I ranted last night there were a few things that I didn’t know. For one, it was reported today Iran notified the US and Iraq ahead of time that the attack was coming so they could protect their troops. Also, it now appears that Iran intentionally missed the supposed targets by enough so that damage was minimal but the mullahs could pound on their chest and claim they had killed a bunch of soldiers.

So when all was said and done, Iran engaged in a face saving mostly political stunt. Trump is right to retaliate by further increasing economic sanctions and not military action. I believe Iran knows that Trump is not someone to be played with. They clearly knew that there would be hell to pay had they actually killed our soldiers, and they also now know that Trump will hold them responsible for their proxy wars. No more hiding behind the terror groups they fund and direct.

One last point. The noise on the left is about the draft and boots on ground. There is no draft and there will be no boots on the ground. Trump is not interested in regime change or nation building. If Iran does something stupid, then the response will come from the sky and then we will leave.